Wednesday, June 1, 2022

MyMusingsSangSpeak - Pet Puja -Aleeva/Haleev/Halim/Garden Cress Seeds Kheer/ Porridge

MyMusingsSangSpeak - Pet Puja-Aleeva/Haleev/Halim/Garden Cress Seeds Kheer/ Porridge

Haleev (Marathi) /Garden Cress seeds are loaded with nutrition and have been used since ancient times in post delivery diet in India. They are good for lactation. They are a very good source of iron. They can be made into kheer (porridge), laddoos and can be consumed after soaking in water too.

My association with the Haleev seeds take me to my childhood when my younger brother was born. My grandmother used to prepare this yummy kheer for my mother who was admitted in hospital after her delivery and my uncle and me would carry this kheer for her. I always ate up half the quantity at the hospital.
These garden cress seeds are also grown on the small mud forts built during Diwali. They grow very fast and can be used as microgreens in salads too.
This porridge tastes good with jaggery only.

Haleev/Garden Cress seeds -2 tablespoons
Water -For soaking
Milk - 2 large cups
Jaggery - As per taste

Soak haleev/garden cress seeds in water for about 1-2 hours. Boil the milk along with soaked haleev seeds for about 4-5 minutes. Remove from fire and allow to cool a bit. Then add jaggery as per taste and mix well. Yummy haleev kheer is ready to serve.

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