Thursday, January 28, 2016

MyMusingsSangSpeak-Pet Puja - Fruit Chaat

Fruit Chaat
Fruit Chaat is one of my favourite recipes and serves as a delectable party dish. It is a nutritious and full of vitamins as fresh fruits are used, a good recipe for all health conscious folks. I learnt this recipe from my friend’s family. The story goes a long time ago. We had a school fete during our middle school and we had a food stall selling Paani Poori and Fruit Chaat. Both the items were made by my friend’s family and I had chipped in my efforts for cutting fruits etc. Our stall was great hit and all goods got sold in no time. Since then, fruit chaat has been one of my most liked dishes.
This recipe is very easy and the basic fruits required are those that are easily available all through the year, they are bananas, apples, papaya and guavas. You may add other fruits too like the sweet lime, oranges, grapes etc, it is left to your choice. The fruits need to be just ripe and firm.
Apples- 2 medium
Bananas - 2 medium
Papaya - 1 medium
Guava - 1 medium
Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
Sugar - 2 teaspoons
Chaat Masala - ½ teaspoon

Mix lemon juice and sugar and set aside the solution. Peel papaya and cut into cubes. Cut all fruits into cubes and add the lemon juice and sugar solution. Sprinkle chaat masala and mix well.

Note - This quantity should be enough for 3-4 people. You can make your own chaat masala at home by making a mixture of equal quantities of cumin, coriander, black pepper, red chilly, salt and rock salt powders. 

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