Thursday, April 11, 2019

MyMusingsSangSpeak - Password Life

PassWord Life

Life has become Password Set
Password for my Account
Password for Everything Online
Sharpens my Memory or…………...
Does that blunt it
Set a PassWord
Hope You Kept a Strong One, Ha ha ha
Forgot Your PassWord?
Make varied Combinations of Numbers and Alphabets
Ahhhh the AlphaNumerics combined with symbols too
To dodge the Hacker Gang
Coding and Decoding
"PassWord Protected" is the New Age Armour of Today's Digital Age
The Mind keeps a note of this Password and that Password
Password for Bank
Password for Email
Password for Social Media
Password for This and Password for That
In the meantime, the Password for Life gets Lost
While paying the Cost
Of leading a life in PassWord Exhaust


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